Photo: Cristina Lasch
We have redesigned our CCNet newsletter, to facilitate sharing information provided by coaches with our Network.
These are the options you have to share different types of news:
- Resources, announcements and upcoming trainings or events – these are shared on an ongoing basis through the global listserv.
- Stories from conservation coaches around the world – these are shared every three months in our CCNet Stories newsletter
You can submit stories anytime throughout the year, and we will make sure to include your story in the next issue.
Do you have a story about how you or your organization are using the Conservation Standards or how conservation coaching is make a difference?
Please use this form to submit a story. The CCNet Stories newsletter shares stories from conservation coaches around the world every 3 months. We include two kinds of stories in our newsletter. The first are Coaching Stories–short summaries (~300 words or less) of work you/your organization is doing that is related to the Conservation Standards or conservation coaching–and how it is making a difference. A Feature Story is a longer, more detailed story (~500 words or less) that shares an especially interesting or informative conservation coaching experience or covers a timely topic relevant to the CCNet community.
Do you have a Conservation Standards Resource, Announcement, or Upcoming Training/Event to share?
Please use the CCNet listserv to submit information about a resource, announcement, or upcoming training/event that is relevant to CCNet. Please note that you need to subscribe to this forum which is for practitioners and coaches, the requisite is to be familiar with and ideally to be applying the Conservation Standards. To sign up send an e-mail to Cristina Lasch (clasch@tnc.org) with a brief note explaining how you know and use the Conservation Standards and she can sign you up.