Change in leadership in CCNet Europe

Story by Xavier Escuté: and Nicolas Boenisch:

During the CCNet Europe Rally in November, CCNet Europe saw a change in leadership. After over 10 years of hard work and service, Ilke Tilders passed on the baton to a new co-leader. llke will remain a Core Team member.

Around 2007, Ilke had the vision for CCNet Europe and shared it with fellow former co-leader, Stella Vareltzidou. Both leaders put in a lot of positive energy and helped CCNet Europe and our coaches get where we are now. We see Ilke as a mentor, a lighthouse, and a source of inspiration. She has helped our franchise innovate and try new approaches and formats. We have learned and grown with her and had lots of fun while we support conservation! Thanks for everything, Ilke!

In Ilke’s place, Daniela Aschenbrenner was elected as the new franchise co-leader. She will serve alongside Nico Boenisch and Xavi Escuté. Daniela began working with the Open Standards at University in 2007. Since then, she has been busy helping students get the grasp of adaptive management, facilitating teams and organising events. Daniela will represent CCNet Europe at the Global Board meetings, help organise events, and keep our website, member list, coach profiles, and other tools up-to-date. Welcome Dani!

At her side, Nico will handle legal and procedural matters and Xavi will work to keep the Core Team running, prepare the update of the strategic plan and the annual reports. One for all and all for one, united we stand!

CCNet Europe Rally election of a new co-franchise leader, November, 2017. Photo credit: Felix Cybulla