What has the CMP and CCNet Review Committee been Doing?

Do you know we have a CMP-CCNet Committee that reviews Conservation Standards guidance?

With an increasing amount of Conservation Standards guidance being produced, it can be challenging for conservation practitioners to find the best materials on a particular topic or the most appropriate guidance or tool for their specific needs.

In 2014, a joint Guidance Committee was formed between the Conservation Measures Partnership and the Conservation Coaches Network to help curate guidance resources. This group of experienced practitioners and trainers meets regularly to vet Conservation Standards guidance and tools upon request, describe them, rate them, and provide feedback to the authors for improvement.

You can learn more about what the Committee does and does not vet, the ranking system, the criteria used to vet guidance, and how they deal with different languages here. If you have guidance materials related to the Conservation Standards that you would like the Committee to review, or if you would like to join the Committee, please contact Marcia Brown.

Below is a list of case studies and guidance recently reviewed by the committee:

Place-based Conservation Plans

Species Conservation Plans

Full-Cycle Adaptive Management

Monitoring & Evaluation Design

Evidence-based Conservation

Organizational Leaders and Program Managers