Story shared by Joshua Royte, The Nature Conservancy
John Morrison (WWF) and Joshua Royte (TNC Maine) co-taught a class on conservation forestry and wildlife planning with Professor Amber Roth at the University of Maine. The class developed goals and management recommendations for three scenarios: a large family farm with diverse surrounding habitats and solar needs, a large tract of managed forest with golden-winged warblers, and sub-alpine forest management for Bicknell’s thrush and other associated northern species. The plans were rooted in the Conservation Standards, which they learned and practiced in several classes before developing their projects in intensive working groups using Miradi. Amid the school’s shutdown, the teams finished their projects and shared presentations remotely. Students clearly grasped the methods and value of the Conservation Standards. This is the third time the Conservation Standards have been either included in a broader class at the University of Maine or taught as a condensed class over the winter field period.

Golden-winged warbler (left) and Bicknells thrush (right). Credit: unknown authors, under CC BY license