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Find a Coach > North America
Need help finding a coach? Franchise leaders are happy to help. Contact the franchise leader(s) on the North America Franchise page.
Name | Country of Residence | Title / Company | Experience | CCNet Certified Coach | Teaching Adaptive Management | CoP - Indigenous CS Projects | Language(s) | Avail. to coach in other countries | ||
Ahlering, Marissa | United States | TNC | Coach | |||||||
Aikens, Marley | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada | ||||||||
Ajroud, Brittany | United States | Learning Specialist / Measuring Impact – Environmental Incentives | Coach | |||||||
Alexander, Louise | United States | US Fish and Wildlife Service, NCSU | English | |||||||
Alexander, John | United States | Executive Director – Klamath Bird Observatory | Coach | |||||||
Anderson, Steven | Canada | Nature Conservancy of Canada | Coach | |||||||
Anderson, Alyssa | United States | TNC | Coach in Training | |||||||
Antenen, Susan | United States | NY State Parks | English | |||||||
Apse, Colin | United States | Africa Freshwater Conservation Director – The Nature Conservancy | Coach | English | No | |||||
Astella, Bethlehem | United States | Postdoctoral Researcher – San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance | ||||||||
Baca, Jenny | United States | Environmental Incentives | ||||||||
Bagshaw, Darin | Canada | Conservation Areas Advisor – Government of Northwest Territories | Coach | |||||||
Bain, Tracy | United States | Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation Program Manager – IFAW | ||||||||
Barna, Heather | Canada | Conservation Planner – Independent Consultant | Coach | English | ||||||
Bayha, Walter | Canada | Deline Renewable Resources Council | Coach | |||||||
Bazin, Ron | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada | ||||||||
Bechtel, Doug | United States | CEO – Audubon International | English | |||||||
Bellhumeur, Karyne | Canada | Parks Canada | Coach | |||||||
Benson, Heather Saunders | United States | Planning Manager – Independent Consultant | Coach | |||||||
Bertolotti, Lesley | United States | Sustainable Communities Program Manager – TNC | ||||||||
Best, Barbara | United States | Senior Coastal Resources Advisor – USAID | Coach | |||||||
Birch, Marshall | Canada | Nature United / The Nature Conservancy | Coach | |||||||
Block, Giselle | United States | USFWS | ||||||||
Bloomfield, Betsy | United States | Cowache Canyon Trust | Coach | English | ||||||
Bogezi, Carol | United States | IPLC Research Analyst – TNC | Coach | English | ||||||
Boggs, Ryan | United States | Lighthawk | ||||||||
Borg, Kim | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada | Coach in Training | English | ||||||
Boshoven, Judy | United States | Program Officer – Foundations of Success | Coach | English | Yes | |||||
Bowles, Ella | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada | ||||||||
Boxwell, Janet | Canada | Gwichin' Renewable Resources Board | Coach | |||||||
Branch, Lyn | United States | University of Florida | Yes | |||||||
Braun, Matthew | Canada | Manager of Conservation Science and Planning – Nature Conservancy of Canada | Coach | English | ||||||
Braun, David | United States | Sound Science, Inc | Coach | English | ||||||
Bridges, Andrew | United States | President & CEO – Nemours Wildlife Foundation | Coach Trainer | |||||||
Brook, Lilith | Canada | Senior Conservation Areas Advisor – Government of the Northwest Territories | Coach | |||||||
Brown, Marcia | United States | Senior Program Officer – Foundations of Success | Coach Trainer | English | Yes | |||||
Brown, Jenny | United States | Conservation Ecologist – TNC | Coach Trainer | English | ||||||
Browne, Claudia | United States | Water Resource Specialist/Bioregion Team leader – Biohabitats | Coach | |||||||
Bryan, Graham | Canada | Manager, Protected Areas – Canadian Wildlife Service - Ontario Region | Coach | |||||||
Burnidge, William | United States | Northeast Colorado Project Director – TNC | ||||||||
Byers, Anya | United States | Land and Water Conservation Manager – The Nature Conservancy | Coach | |||||||
Byrne, James | United States | Marine Science Program Manager – TNC | Coach Trainer | English | ||||||
Byrne, Bob | United States | Indepentent Consultant – Bob Byrne Consulting | English | Yes | ||||||
Cademus, Ronald | Haiti | Independent Consultant | Coach | French, English | ||||||
Calabrese, Samantha | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada | ||||||||
Campellone, Rob | United States | Founder – Institute for Landscape Conservation Design | Coach | |||||||
Carriere, Marie-Andree | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada | Coach | |||||||
Cheeseman, Adam | Canada | Nature NB | ||||||||
Childs, Sara | United States | Program Director – Duke University | English | |||||||
Clay, Kristin | United States | TNC | Coach | |||||||
Cochrane, Erica | United States | Conservation Measures Manager – International Crane Foundation / Endangered Wildlife Trust | Coach, Coach Trainer | Yes | English, French, and some Kiswahili and Songo | Yes | ||||
Collomb, Jean Gael | United States | Wildlife Conservation Network | ||||||||
Conley, Mary | United States | Southeast Director of Marine Conservation – TNC | ||||||||
Cornman, Ari | United States | Wildlife Advisor – California Fish and Game Commission | Coach | |||||||
Cotter, Sarah | Canada | Parks Canada/ Government of Canada | Coach Trainer | English | ||||||
Cros, Annick | United States | Reef Resilience Network Science & Training Spec. Global Oceans Team – TNC | Coach | English, French, Spanish | ||||||
Dahlke, Mitch | United States | CUSP | ||||||||
Decker, Lynn | United States | Independent Consultant | Coach | English | ||||||
DeGarady, Colette | United States | Longleaf Pine Whole System Director – The Nature Conservancy | Coach | English | ||||||
Deland, Carine | Canada | Director of Science and Stewardship, QC – Nature Conservancy of Canada | Coach | French and English | ||||||
DeMello, Nicole | United States | Forest Carbon Specialist – TNC | Coach | |||||||
Deppen, Jamie | United States | Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies | ||||||||
DeWan, Amielle | United States | Executive Director – Impact by Design | Coach | English | ||||||
Dickerson, Andy | United States | Executive Director – Cardinal Land Conservancy | Coach Trainer | Yes | English | Yes | ||||
Didier, Karl | United States | Conservation Scientist – Independent Consultant | Coach Trainer | English, Portuguese | Yes | |||||
Dietz, Lou Ann | United States | President – Save the Golden Lion Tamarin | Coach Trainer | English | Yes | |||||
Dionne, Mark | Canada | Biologist – Canadian Wildlife Service | ||||||||
Duberstein, Jennie | United States | Sonoran Joint Venture/US Fish and Wildlife Service | Coach Trainer | English, Spanish | Yes | |||||
Duda, Lynn | United States | Conservation Planning Specialist – Independent Consultant | English | Yes | ||||||
Dunford, Wendy | Canada | Canadian Wildlife Service - Environment Canada | Coach | English, French | ||||||
Dunscomb, Judy | United States | Senior Conservation Scientist – TNC | Coach | English | ||||||
Dutton, Ian | United States | Principal – Nautilus Impact Investing | Coach Trainer | English, Indonesian | Yes | |||||
Dyson, Philippa | United Kingdom | TRAFFIC | Coach | |||||||
Evans, Kirsten | United States | Independent Consultant | Coach | English | ||||||
Evans-Peters, Sara | United States | Conservation Planner – Pacific Birds Habitat Joint Venture | Coach | |||||||
Eves, Heather | United States | Yale Universtity | Yes | English | ||||||
Farrow, Lesley | Canada | Conservation Coordinator – Environment and Climate Change Canada | Coach in Training | English | ||||||
Feifel, Kirsten | United States | Adaptive Systems Manager – Puget Sound Partnership | ||||||||
Ferguson, Laramie | Canada | Independent Consultant | ||||||||
Finn, Sean | United States | Science Coordinator – USFWS | Coach | |||||||
Fisher, Jon | United States | Senior Officer – Pew Charitable Trusts | Coach | |||||||
Flores, Marco A. | United States | Impact by Design | Coach | |||||||
Francis, Margaret | United States | Foundation Representative/Representante – IAF | ||||||||
Gagnon, Paula | United States | Independent consultant – Paula Gagnon Consulting | English | Yes | ||||||
Garris, Cristy | United States | Independent Consultant | Coach | Chinese, English, Russian | Yes | |||||
Garvoille, Rebecca | United States | Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Conservation Biology – Denver Zoo | Coach | English | ||||||
Goetz, James | United States | Coach | ||||||||
Gondor, Anne | United States | Conservation Planner – Independent Consultant/grad student (Masters in Natural Resources) | Coach | English | ||||||
Gonzales, Emily | Canada | Ecological Restoration Specialist – Parks Canada | ||||||||
Goose, Erin | Canada | Government of the Northwest Territories - Environment and Natural Resources | Coach | |||||||
Gordon, Doria | United States | EDF | English | |||||||
Gottlieb, Sara | United States | Director of Freshwater Science & Strategy – TNC | Coach Trainer | English | ||||||
Grasela, Katarzyna (Kasia) | Dominican Republic | Independent consultant – Independent Consultant | Coach | English, Spanish, possibly Polish | Yes | |||||
Green, Shelley | United States | Director of Conservation Programs – TNC | Coach | English | ||||||
Gross-Camp, Nicole | United States | Senior Conservation Strategist – Global Conservation Solutions | Coach | English | Yes | |||||
Gross-Camp, Nicole | United States | Senior Conservation Strategist – Global Conservation Solutions | ||||||||
Grunau, Lee | United States | Conservation Planner, Colorado Natural Heritage Program – Colorado State University | ||||||||
Haas, Claudia | Canada | Protected Areas Biologist – Government of the Northwest Territories | Coach | |||||||
Hamel, Cary | Canada | Director of Conservation (Acting) – Nature Conservancy of Canada, Manitoba Region | Coach | |||||||
Hansen, Lexine | United States | Environmental Incentives | ||||||||
Harding, Craig | Canada | Manager of Conservation Science and Planning – Nature Conservancy of Canada | Coach | English | ||||||
Harlig, Regina | United States | Environmental Incentives | Coach | |||||||
Harrell, Reginal M. | United States | Professor of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences & Extension Specialist – University of Maryland | Coach | |||||||
Hayden, Daniel | United States | President and CEO – Restore America's Estuaries | English | |||||||
Heaston, John | United States | Independent Consultant | English | |||||||
Hendrix, Tatiana | United States | Program Officer, Combating Wildlife Trafficking – US Fish and Wildlife | Coach | |||||||
Herbert, Matt | United States | Denver Zoo | Coach | |||||||
Heron, Tim | Canada | NWT Metis Nation | Coach | |||||||
Herschler, Nathan | United States | IFAW | ||||||||
Heumann, Blane | United States | TNC | Coach | English | ||||||
Hicks, Shelly | United States | Senior Project Design Specialist – Environmental Incentives | Coach | |||||||
Hill, Megan | United States | Environment Specialist – USAID | Coach | |||||||
Hodgkiss, Sarah | Canada | Carolinian Canada Coalition | ||||||||
Hoffman, Nancy | United States | Project Leader – Independent Consultant | Coach | |||||||
Hoffman, Anne Marie | United States | Coastal Conservation Project Manager – Independent Consultant | Coach | English; Spanish | ||||||
Holman, Dean | Canada | Liidli Kue First Nation | Coach | |||||||
Holst Rice, Susie | United States | Program and Management Analyst – NOAA | English | |||||||
Hook, Abigail | United States | ESA | Environmental Science Associates | Yes | |||||||
Hoshi, Junko | United States | Senior Environmental Scientist – California Department of Fish and Wildlife | ||||||||
Howes, Briar | Canada | Parks Canada | English | |||||||
HsienYung, Lin | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada | ||||||||
Hudson, Virginia (Ginny) | Canada | Nature Conservancy of Canada | Coach in Training | |||||||
Humpert, Mark | United States | Conservation Initiatives Director – Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies | English | |||||||
Ingle, Natalie | United States | Independent Consultant | ||||||||
Ingraham, Molly | United States | Associate Director of Conservation Planning – TNC | English | |||||||
Jalava, Jarmo | Canada | Consulting Ecologist – Independent Consultant | ||||||||
Jaudel, JP | United States | WWF-US | ||||||||
Jawhary, Dalia | United States | Hima Programs Director – Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon-SPNL | Coach | |||||||
Jobin, Benoit | Canada | Habitat Conservation Specialist – Environment and Climate Change Canada | Coach in Training | French and English | ||||||
Johnson, MIke | United States | Environmental Planner – Independent Consultant | Coach | |||||||
Johnson, Arlyne | United States | Senior Program Officer – Foundations of Success | Coach Trainer | Yes | English | Yes | ||||
Kaplan, Rachel | United States | Program Officer – WWF | Coach | |||||||
Kessler, Danielle | United States | Senior Policy & Outreach Manager – IFAW | Coach | |||||||
Khoury, Mary | United States | Senior Conservation Scientist – TNC | English | |||||||
Kinahan, Anouska A. | Spain | Independent Consultant – AK Conservation Consulting | Spanish, English | Yes | ||||||
King, Laura | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada | ||||||||
King, Danielle | United States | Sustainable Landscapes Lui-Walton Innovator Fellow – CI | Coach | Yes | ||||||
Kissick, Amelia | United States | WWF-US | Coach | |||||||
Knauer, Jennifer | United States | Hook & Knauer | English | |||||||
Koscinski, Daria | Canada | Carolinian Canada Coalition | ||||||||
Kramer, Dave | United States | Gerente de aprendizaje e innovación – The Colombia Rising Project & ANIIP (Austin Network of International Impact Professionals) | ||||||||
Lacy, Leander | United States | CEO, Social Scientist – Lacy Consulting Services, LLC | Coach | |||||||
Laliberte, Benoit | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada | ||||||||
LaPoint, Jodie | United States | Associate Director of Conservation – TNC | Coach | English | ||||||
Lapointe, Nicolas (Nick) | Canada | Senior Conservation Biologist – Freshwater Ecology – Canadian Wildlife Federation | ||||||||
Larrea, Irma | United States | Programme Manager of the Living Amazon Initiative – WWF - US | Coach | Spanish; English | ||||||
Lasch, Cristina | Mexico | Conservation Planning & Adaptation Lead & CCNet Technical Coordinator – TNC | Coach Trainer | Spanish, English, German | ||||||
Latremouille, Charles | Canada | Independent Consultant – Independent Consultant | Coach | English, French | Yes | |||||
Lentz, Lauren Hanna | United States | Impact by Design Group | Coach | |||||||
Levine, Amy | United States | Conservation Impact Director – Island Conservation | ||||||||
Lien, Danielle | United States | WWF-US | ||||||||
Linster, Meridian | United States | Mississippi River Basin Program Manager – Independent Consultant | ||||||||
Little, Henry | United States | Assistant Director of Science Freshwater – Applied Conservation | Coach | English | Yes | |||||
Lloyd, Natasha | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada | Coach | |||||||
Lockwood, Warren | United States | Product Manager – Sitka Technology Group | Coach | |||||||
Low, Greg | United States | Conservation Planner – Applied Conservation | Coach Trainer | English | Yes | |||||
Luster, Ryan | United States | Restoration Program Manager – TNC | English | |||||||
Mackay, Glen | Canada | Government of the Northwest Territories – Education, Culture and Employment | ||||||||
MacLeod, Britney | Canada | Habitat Ecologist – Environment and Climate Change Canada | Coach | English | ||||||
Maier, Kris | Canada | Gwichin' Renewable Resources Board | Coach | |||||||
Majerus, Jill | United States | Senior Consultant, Markets & Conservation – Independent Consultant | English | |||||||
Makletzoff, Tonya | Canada | Government of the Northwest Territories - Environment and Natural Resources | Coach | |||||||
Malette, Julie | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada | ||||||||
Maloy, Molly | United States | Graduate and Adult Programs Manager – Denver Zoo | Coach | |||||||
Marchant, Kimberley | United States | Director, Field Programs – WWF-US | Coach | |||||||
Margoluis, Richard | Costa Rica | Moore Foundation | English, Spanish | Yes | ||||||
Martin, Brian | United States | Eastern MT Science & Stewardship Director – TNC | English | |||||||
Martin, Allison | United States | Program Associate, Indigenous & Communal Conservation – TNC | Coach in Training | |||||||
Matsumoto, Sandi | United States | Associate Director, California Water Program – TNC | Coach | English | ||||||
Mayberry, Rachel | Canada | Canadian Wildlife Service | ||||||||
McDonald, Katherine (Katie) | Canada | Independent Consultant | ||||||||
McNally, Wren | United States | Puget Sound Partnership | Coach | |||||||
Miewald, Tom | United States | Spatial Ecologist/Conservation Planner – USFWS | Coach | |||||||
Miller, Robyn | United States | Director of Conservation Programs – TNC | English | |||||||
Miller, Nick | United States | Director of Science & Strategy – TNC | ||||||||
Miller, Dori | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada | ||||||||
Monticone, Kateri | Canada | Nature Conservancy of Canada | French, English | |||||||
Moore O´Leary, Kara | United States | Inventory and Monitoring Program – USFWS | ||||||||
Morais, Tania | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada – Canadian Wildlife Service | ||||||||
Morales, Miguel | United States | Conservation International | English | |||||||
Moret, Stephanie | United States | UCSB | Yes | |||||||
Morgan, Alexis | Canada | Private consultant – Independent Consultant | No | |||||||
Morrison, John | United States | Manager, Conservation Planning & Measures; Coordinator-CCNet – WWF US | Coach Trainer | Yes | English | |||||
Mountain, Lara | Canada | Ducks Unlimited, Canada | Coach | |||||||
Muir, Matthew | United States | Biologist – USFWS | Coach Trainer | English | ||||||
Muller, Gretchen | United States | Senior Associate – Cascadia Consulting Group | Coach | |||||||
Nelson, Kara | United States | Conservation Planner and Scientist – Kara Nelson Consulting | English | Yes | ||||||
Neufeld, Rebekah | Canada | Conservation Operations Program Coordinator – Nature Conservancy of Canada | Coach | English | ||||||
Neugarten, Rachel | United States | PhD Student – Cornell University | ||||||||
Neyelle, Michael | Canada | Deline Renewable Resources Council | Coach | |||||||
Noseworthy, Josh | Canada | Founding Director & CEO – Global Conservation Solutions | Coach | Yes | Yes | Yes | English | Yes | ||
Nuñez, Francisco | Dominican Republic | North Western Caribbean Project Coordinator – TNC | Spanish | |||||||
Nussey, Pat | Canada | Conservation Planner – Nature Conservancy of Canada | Coach | English | ||||||
O'Neill, Elizabeth | United States | Managing Director – EON Impact Consulting | Coach | English, Spanish | Yes | |||||
O´Neil, Susan | United States | Sr. Conservation Planner – Environmental Scienec Associates | Yes | English | ||||||
O’Brien, Sara | United States | Director of Conservation Planning – Defenders of Wildlife | English | |||||||
Orndorff, Stephanie | United States | Conservation Planner/GIS – Independent Consultant | English | |||||||
Pague, Chris | United States | Lead Senior Conservation Ecologist – TNC | Coach Trainer | English | Yes | |||||
Paskus, John | United States | Senior Conservation Scientist, Lead Conservation Planner – Michigan State University | Coach | English | ||||||
Patterson, Tamatha | United States | Conservation Ecologist – USGS | Coach | |||||||
Paula, Pacholek | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada | ||||||||
Peabody, Shawn | United States | Learning Specialist – Environmental Incentives | Coach | English | ||||||
Pearsall, Doug | United States | Senior Conservation Scientist – TNC | Coach | English | ||||||
Pickering, Debbie | United States | Oregon Coast Ecologist – TNC | Coach Trainer | English | ||||||
Pintea, Lilian | United States | Director of Conservation Science – The Jane Goodall Institute | Coach | English | ||||||
Planitzer, Carolin | United States | Senior Program Officer, Conservation Finance – World Wildlife Fund | Coach | |||||||
Plume, Catherine | United States | Principal – BlueGreenPlume | Coach | English | Yes | |||||
Porej, Deni | United States | Senior Director of Conservation – Catalina Island Conservancy | Coach Trainer | |||||||
Potter, Karen | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada | Coach in Training | English | ||||||
Powers, Elizabeth | United States | USFWS | Coach | |||||||
Present, Tess | United States | Senior Associate – Environmental Incentives | Coach | |||||||
Quintela, Carlos | United States | Manager, US Government Partnerships – World Wildlife Fund | ||||||||
Raboy, Becky | Canada | Conservation Synthesis | Coach | English, Portuguese | ||||||
Ray, David K. | United States | Managing Director of Conservation – Lowcountry Land Trust | Coach | English | ||||||
Raymond, Calla | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada | ||||||||
Remson, EJ | United States | Senior Program Manager – TNC | English | |||||||
Reynolds, James | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada | ||||||||
Robertson, Amanda | United States | US Fish and Wildlife | Coach | |||||||
Robson, Laura | Canada | Conservation Coordinator, ON Region – Nature Conservancy of Canada | Coach in Training | English | ||||||
Romulo, Chelsie | United States | Assistant Professor – University of Northern Colorado | ||||||||
Russel, Vance | United Kingdom | Independent Consultant | Coach | English, Spanish | Yes | |||||
Salafsky, Nick | United States | Director – FOS | Coach Trainer | Yes | English | Yes | ||||
Salzer, Dan | United States | Conservation Planning & Tools Specialist – TNC | Coach Trainer | English | ||||||
Sargent, Tasha | Canada | Joint Venture Coordinator – Environment and Climate Change Canada | Coach in Training | English | ||||||
Schake, Katherine | United States | Program Associate – Nautilus Impact Investing | Coach | |||||||
Schuler, George | United States | Independent Consultant | Coach Trainer | English | ||||||
Schulz, Terri | United States | Senior Conservation Ecologist – TNC | Coach, Coach Trainer | English | Yes | |||||
Scoggin, Sandra | United States | Conservation Program Coordinator – San Francisco Bay Joint Venture | Coach | |||||||
Sherman, Julie | United States | Executive Director – Wildlife Impact | Coach | Yes | ||||||
Sherwood, Kristin | United States | independent - Fish Choice | Coach | |||||||
Shurtliff, Quinn | United States | Wildlife Biologist and Conservation Planning Coach – Nature Plan | Coach Trainer | Yes | English | Yes | ||||
Siegwart Collier, Laura | Canada | A/Ecologist Team Leader, Terra Nova National Park – Parks Canada | Coach in Training | |||||||
Sissons, Robert | Canada | Parks Canada | Coach in Training | English | ||||||
Skinner, Althea | United States | CARE-WWF Alliance | ||||||||
Sliwinski, Maggi | Canada | Parks Canada | Coach in Training | English | ||||||
Stanley, Megan | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada | ||||||||
Stein, Kelly | Canada | Conservation Areas Management Planner – Government of Northwest Territories | Coach | |||||||
Stem, Caroline | United States | Senior Program Officer – Foundations of Success | Coach, Coach Trainer | Yes | English, Spanish | Yes | ||||
Stenhouse, Renae | United States | Director, WWF GEF Agency – WWF-US | Coach | |||||||
Sterne, Charla | United States | US Fish and Wildlife | Coach | |||||||
Stevens, Joy | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada | ||||||||
Stewart, Becky | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada | ||||||||
Stiles, Kari | United States | FoS | English | |||||||
Strand, Holly | United States | Utah State University | Coach | |||||||
Strole, Todd | United States | Natural Areas Stewardship Program Manager – Illinois Department of Natural Resources | Coach | |||||||
Sullivan, Courtney | United States | WWF | Coach | |||||||
Sumiye, Jason | United States | Conservation Programs Coordinator – TNC | Coach | English | ||||||
Sundaresan, Siva | Kenya | Denver Zoological Foundation | English | |||||||
Suoto, Tamia | United States | Program Director – Amazon Conservation | Coach | English, Spanish | ||||||
Surridge, Martha | United States | Senior Conservation Planner – Defenders of Wildlife | English | |||||||
Sutter, Rob | United States | Consultant – Enduring Conservation Outcomes, LLC | Yes | English | Yes | |||||
Suval, Marika | United States | Conservation Strategic Planner and Coach – Independent; affilated with University of Wisconsin (UW-Madison) and Foundations of Success (FOS) | Coach | Yes | English, Afrikaans | Yes | ||||
Swallow, Michelle | Canada | Government of the Northwest Territories - Environment and Natural Resources | Coach | |||||||
Swaminathan, Vinaya | United Kingdom | Conservation Planner – Foundations of Success | Coach Trainer | Yes | Yes | English | Yes | |||
Swanepoel, Pieter A | United States | Safaribwana | Coach | |||||||
Swaty, Randy | United States | ecologist – TNC | Coach | |||||||
Swietch, Kelly | United States | Conservation Hub Portfolio Manager – San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance | ||||||||
Tanaka, Andrea | Canada | Habitat Planner, Stewardship – Environment and Climate Change Canada | Coach in Training | English | ||||||
Thompson, John | United States | Catskill Center for Conservation and Development | ||||||||
Todd, Paul | United States | Director Strategy Development Initiatives & Campaigns – NRDC | ||||||||
Toledo, Diana | United States | Leadership Development Director – River Network | Coach in Training | Spanish, English | ||||||
Tomlink, Molly | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada | ||||||||
Toro, Jessica | United States | Co-Owner – Native Habitat Restoration, LLC | English | |||||||
Tremblay, Christian | Canada | Parks Canada | Coach in Training | English and French | ||||||
Tua, Jon | United States | Director of Strategic Planning and Finance – WWF | Coach | English | ||||||
van Sleeuwen, Brenda | Canada | Collaborative Conservation Advisor – Parcs Canada | Coach | English | ||||||
Voisin, Lee | Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada | ||||||||
Wagner, John | United States | Conservation Planner and Data Manager – TNC | Coach | |||||||
Watland, Angela | United States | Conservation Planner – TNC | Coach | English | ||||||
Watson, Julie | United States | Habitat Strategic Initiative Policy Lead – Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife | Coach | |||||||
Waugh, John | United States | Independent Consultant | Coach | |||||||
Welch, Megan | United States | Program Officer – WWF US | English | |||||||
West, Paul | United States | Co-director and Lead Scientist – Global Landscapes Initiative at the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment | ||||||||
Wheeler, Jennifer | United States | Independent Consultant | Coach | |||||||
White, Jennifer | Canada | Nature Conservancy of Canada | ||||||||
Whitehead, Maria | United States | Senior Project Manager – Open Space Institute | English | |||||||
Will, Tom | United States | Senior Nongame Bird Biologist – University of Minnesota | ||||||||
Will, Thomas | United States | USFWS | Coach | |||||||
Williams, Lisa | United States | Conservation Science & Strategy Specialist – TNC | ||||||||
Williamson, Caitlin | United States | Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin | ||||||||
Wilson, Troy | United States | I&M Coordinator – US Fish & Wildlife Service | Coach | |||||||
Wongbusarakum, Supin | United States | Coral Reef Ecosystem Division (CRED) Senior Scientist – University of Hawaii in the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology | ||||||||
Wysocki, Koral | Canada | Program Manager – Carolinian Canada Coalition | Coach | English | ||||||
Young, Jora | United States | CCNet | Coach Trainer | English | ||||||
Zimmer, Karl | Canada | Head, Stewardship – Environment and Climate Change Canada | English | |||||||
Zollner, Douglas | United States | TNC | English |
Coaches Resource Library
CCNet maintains a variety of resources to support Coaches in the presentation and use of the Conservation Standards. Most of the resources are found in multiple languages in the Coaches Notebook that is part of CCNet New Coach Trainings. In addition, in our Resource Library you can find a wealth of support materials shared by Coaches and Conservation Standards practitioners.
Photo Credit: Ashleigh Baker
Our Collaborators
Every organization, agency, project, and individual has its own preferred set of terms. There is no right answer – the most important thing is that the members of your project team and the people with whom you work have a clear and common understanding of whatever terms you choose to use.
Photo Credit: Chris Scarffe
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The Conservation Standards is the product of inputs, field tests, and discussions among members of the Conservation Measures Partnership (CMP), which has final editorial authority over the Conservation Standards. Substantial input was also provided by members of the Conservation Coaches Network (CCNet) and other CMP partners.
Photo Credit: Felix Cybulla
Contact CCNet
To inquire about supporting CCNet or for general inquiries, please contact:
John Morrison - CCNet Global Coordinator
Cristina Lasch - CCNet Technical Coordinator
Photo Credit: Diane Detoeuf