Guidance on Applying the Conservation Standards to Ecosystem-based Adaptation

Story from Marcia Brown (FOS/CCNet Global), John Morrison (WWF/CCNet Global), Tobias Garstecki (Independent Consultant), Adrienne Marvin (FOS), Nicolas Boenisch (FOS Europe/CCNet Europe)  A Conservation Measures Partnership working group, which includes representatives from Foundations of Success and World Wildlife Fund, recently had the opportunity to work with...

Guía para la planificación y gestión de Áreas Marinas Protegidas (AMP) con participación de comunidades locales y/o indígenas basada en los Estándares para la Conservación / Guide for planning and management of Marine Protected Areas with participation of local and/or indigenous communities, based on the Conservation Standards

This “Guide for planning and management of Marine Protected Areas with participation of local and/or indigenous communities, based on the Conservation Standards”, produced by WWF Chile is was originally produced...
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